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Every mop catalog has it – a long list of mop options with the vaguest of descriptions that makes one wonder: is there really a difference between wet mops, dust mops and microfiber mops?

To the untrained eye, all mops are alike and equal. How complicated can it possibly be? Don’t they all clean floors? As it turns out, it is more complex than that. Different mops address different cleaning needs and, if you care about your floors, you might want to start paying more attention to what you use to clean them.

We have an easy-to-follow mop buying guide to help you with your next mop purchase. 

Wet Mops

Wet mops, as the name implies, are designed to use with liquids – both to use with liquid cleaner (or plain water) and clean up spills.


Wet mops feature mop heads made of absorbent materials like cotton, terry or sponge. They absorb liquid cleaner and soak up spills.

Ideal Uses

Wet mops are ideal for use in areas frequently exposed to moisture like kitchens and restroom floors. They are also ideal for use in areas where there is buildup of dirt/debris that have adhered to the floor. The combination of fabric and liquid cleaner makes wet mops able to lift stuck-on dirt off the floor. Some wet mop materials are also ideal for applying liquid wax and floor polish.


Looped-end mop heads are ideal because they are more highly-absorbent than their cut-end counterparts.

Dust Mops

Also known as dry mops, dust mops are designed to remove dust and debris off the surface of your floors, walls, and ceilings.


One of the primary functions of a dust mop is removing dust and dirt without scattering them into the air to land onto other surfaces. That is why most dust mop heads have fringes meant to catch and trap dust and dirt. 

Ideal Uses

Dust mops are designed for everyday surface cleaning to prevent long-term buildup of dust and debris.


Pick wide mop heads for larger coverage.

Microfiber Mops

Microfiber mops are easily the most efficient and hygienic of all types of commercial floor mops. Material like microfiber is ideal for both dry and wet cleaning , and is preferred for more intensive cleaning needs like hospital floors.


Microfiber mops are as efficient as dust mops due to their ultra-small fabric strands that can get into the smallest, tightest nooks and crannies of your floor. Microfiber is also more absorbent than cotton, making it a great choice. Because microfiber mops are easy to clean, they are more durable and hygienic to use and re-use.

Ideal Uses

Microfiber mops are ideal for all surfaces, wet and dry cleaning alike.


Make sure to get microfiber mops from reliable sellers and suppliers to ensure you’re getting real microfiber.

Quality and Continuity

Having the right kind of floor mops is only half the battle. Ensuring great results requires one other thing: consistent quality. Unfortunately, for a fast-paced business environment with heavy foot traffic and exposure to all kinds of dirt and debris, domestic floor care solutions fall short. You need to go beyond reusing the same floor mop for months.

For your business’ needs, skip the DIY mop treatment and go the direction that guarantees consistent and dependable quality: mop rental services from Wilkins Linen.

Aside from the promise of better-quality floor mops, a reliable mop rental service provider like Wilkins ensures continuity – a regular supply of top-notch floor mops that are picked up and replaced with professionally-cleaned ones week after week.

Contact Wilkins Linen for All Your Mop Needs

Interested? Wilkins Linen is here to help. Contact us at 1-866-WILKINS or drop us a message at info@wilkinslinen.com to learn more about our mop service! 

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