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Even before your diners meet your wait staff or taste your food, your restaurant has made the first impression. Your customers will quickly notice old-fashioned furnishings, worn carpeting, and untrained or apathetic staff. Like most facilities, innovation and updating is necessary to stay competitive. Practices and details that worked in restaurants just a decade ago may not work today. Share on X

Outdated Restaurant Practices

With the prevalence of online restaurant reviews, many restaurant owners are surprised to find out what criteria is used to judge their establishment. You might expect comments about food and service, or criticism regarding noise levels. But did you know that a restaurant’s outdated decor and hiring practices can leave a bad impression as well?

1) Lax Hiring

Getting a job waiting tables used to be pretty easy. Often times the interview consisted of a handshake. That sort of hiring can make your restaurant feel like a revolving door of employees. That kind of hiring model is sure to cause you headaches and turn customers off. Employees that don’t know what they’re doing or don’t seem to care will be obvious to your patron. Make your establishment attractive to prospective employees and provide opportunities to retain good employees for as long as possible.

2) Cheap Details

Paper napkins are fine for fast food, but if you own a sit-down restaurant, you need to step it up. Invest in high-quality linens, or contract a linen management company to handle the inventory and cleaning while your customers enjoy a more memorable experience.

3) Cheesy Decor

Gone are the days when a themed restaurant was considered a viable date night option. Today’s consumers want modern, clean, chef-inspired dining. Nothing over the top and no cheesy decor. Keep it simple. 

Wilkins Linen & Dust Control Services

Wilkins Linen has worked with countless restaurants in the Houston area. We’re committed to helping modernize your linens and take the stress of maintaining linen inventory off your shoulders.

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