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A renovation shouldn’t force you to close your facility. If you plan on staying open, talk to your contractor to develop a renovation plan that will facilitate daily operations. The success of your renovation depends on planning, so the more time you have to strategize, the better. Your facility can stay open during renovations if you have a solid construction plan in place. Share on X

Stayin Open Amidst Facility Renovations

Effectively handling a renovation project during normal operating hours can be a daunting task. However, if such a project is absolutely necessary, follow these 5 basic steps:

  1. Develop Stages
  2. Communicate
  3. Encourage Safety
  4. Protect Equipment
  5. Buffer Zone

1) Develop Stages

Break down the entire renovation into stages, to help you divide up the work so you can continue serving visitors. For example, in a complete building renovation, Stage 1 might be the demolition of the front entrance. In that case, an alternative entrance needs to be available for staff and visitors.

2) Communicate

Keep customers informed about the ongoing renovations in advance. When they’re aware of construction work, they’ll appreciate being kept in the loop, and are less likely to complain. Be sure to make the process easy on them by spacing appointments to reduce the amount of time spent in renovation areas.

3) Encourage Safety

Create a strict safety code to protect the construction team, your staff and visitors. There are basic safety codes you’ll be expected to follow, but consider creating additional safety rules. An accident during renovations can affect your reputation and impede your ability to attract customers in the future.

4) Protect Equipment

A renovation may entail moving or storing equipment, supplies or other inventory. If your facility is a medical clinic, this could mean moving significant stores of medical bed linens, sterile gowns and more. Because these items must be kept clean at all costs, a plan should be developed beforehand between you and your linen management provider. Wilkins Linens has years of experience helping facilities in transition, and we can develop a strategy to help your linen and laundry processes run smoothly during renovations.

5) Buffer Zone

Even in the midst of a renovation, your facility should offer a buffer zone or barrier between visitors and construction crews and debris. They should never have to step over construction equipment or walk through in-progress areas to get to where they’re going.  Using physical barriers, sheeting and cones to section off these areas is always a good idea.

Think Critically

While there are various ways to keep your facility open during renovations, don’t open yourself to risk. Evaluate every decision critically, taking into account that it may be better to close your facility for a few days during certain stages of renovation than subject staff and visitors to unmanageable noise or debris.

Contact Wilkins Linen to learn more about linen management through a facility renovation.

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