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In the healthcare industry, details matter. The cleanliness and accessibility of linens make a big statement about your facility. Linens are an important detail that, if mismanaged, can hurt patient satisfaction.

Linen Inventory Management: Patients First

The confidence of your patients should be a top priority. Healthcare facilities are held to a higher standard than most industries for cleanliness. Organization is equally important. If patients feel like the linens are lacking or unavailable, that can plant a seed of doubt in their minds. Healthcare services that make your patients feel safe and confident are crucial to your overall linen inventory management.

Keep Inventory

Be sure to keep an inventory of linens, both for billing and analytic purposes. What size is the most popular? Which is the least? You might want to cut back on one size if it’s rarely used or in overabundance. While it’s important to have enough linens for an unplanned influx of patients, too many can cause clutter. Past inventories can give valuable information about linen use and projected need.

Customize Your Schedule

The healthcare industry has busy seasons, just like any other industry. Be aware of an increased patient load when completing linen inventory. The last thing you need is to be scrambling for linens instead of running your business. Having too many linens on hand can also create unnecessary waste. They take up space and will require laundering whether you use them or not. Customize your schedule to ensure that you’re getting the right number of linens for your facility.

Pay Attention

With your busy schedule, your laundry invoice probably doesn’t get a lot of attention. Next time you get a bill, take a deeper look at those numbers. Does your laundry service tell you exactly what you use on a weekly basis? Study specific charges and see if they match up with your linen use.

Wilkins Knows Healthcare Linens

Without proper inventory and scheduling, linen management can fall through the cracks. This can be a costly oversight. It takes attention to detail and an emphasis on hospitality to optimize your linen use. If you lack the time it takes, consider outsourcing to a reputable linen service provider. Let Wilkins Linen take care of your linen management while you focus on taking care of your patients and day-to-day operations.

Linen Inventory Management

The best way to prevent linen mismanagement is to employ the help of a professional medical laundry service. Your linen provider will keep your inventory clean and ready to use. Renting your linens makes a huge financial impact and saves you space and time.

Contact Us to optimize your linen use today!

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