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New businesses may have a lot going for them, but they don’t have the secure confidence of experience. This especially holds true in the field of medical laundry service. Medical laundry is too crucial a process with which to experiment. With the constant threat of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), lives are quite literally at stake.

That’s just one of the many things that make more experienced medical laundry service providers the better choice. Read on to learn more about why experience matters in medical laundry: 

Efficiency in Carrying Out Services

As cliché as it sounds, experienced businesses are well-oiled machines. They have the whole laundry and handling process down. As complicated as they can get, experienced service providers already know their way around the complex maze of medical laundry procedures.

Even through evolving technologies, experienced service providers already have an unassailable system that can carry on. What does this mean for your facility’s operations? For one, it’s an assurance of efficiency. You get the promise of consistent results and on-time deliveries every time.  

Quality of Service

There is no room for mistakes in medical laundry service. Even the smallest miscalculation at any point of the process can jeopardize infection control protocols. That’s another area where experienced service providers have an edge over their less-experienced competitors.

For one, experienced laundry service providers already have a good grasp of what high-quality results look like. Two, they have a fool-proof, safeguarded procedure that leads them there every single time. Anyone can achieve high-quality, clean laundry results with the right tools. But it takes significant experience to ensure that the results are predictably the same in quality day-in and day-out.

Understanding of Customer Needs

Different facilities have different needs. Sometimes, facilities themselves are not even aware of these needs! It takes an experienced service provider to identify and respond to these needs effectively. More established medical laundry service providers already have this instinct embedded into their DNA. It takes newer companies a long time to figure it all out.

What does this mean for your business? Better solutions, of course! More experienced service providers no longer fumble to figure out your unique needs. The solutions and results are, therefore, more suitable for your facility.

Better Emergency Response

There are many things that experienced companies do best. But, perhaps the best of these is responding to emergency situations. It doesn’t matter if it’s bad weather or equipment issues. Nothing fazes an experienced service provider anymore. Long years of daily operations have made them more than capable of responding to any problem with ease. They have everything from Plan B to Z and beyond, should plan A have an issue.

The Verdict

While industry experience is not everything, it does play a major role in gauging a company’s reliability. It tells you what a medical laundry service provider can do for you and how well they can do it. The numbers don’t lie: those years are proof that what they do and what they have actually works!

Wilkins Linen: The Experienced Expert in Texas Medical Laundry Service

If you’re in the market for dependable healthcare laundry service in Houston, look no further than the experienced experts of Wilkins Linen! Our experience spans over 60 years and the difference that makes is evident in everything that we do. From our high standards of quality products to the tried and tested laundry process, we deliver the best results.

Start Your Service Today!

Contact us at 1-866-WILKINS to get started on your healthcare laundry service or to learn more about what we can do for your facility. 


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