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In the medical industry, success starts in the stockroom. Without the right supplies ready to go at any time, problems are never far away. Linens are no exception to this rule. An available supply of ready linens for every purpose is necessary for any successful medical facility. Wilkens Linen has the materials needed and quality desired. 

We offer:

Sheets and Pillowcases

To employees, sheets and pillowcases used by patients are tools for warmth and protection from the environment. To patients, they’re a temporary home. As a result, the quality of your sheets and pillowcases should be unquestionable.

Flat Sheets

Flat sheets are the versatile thermal regulator of any bedspread. If it’s too hot, a quality flat sheet can provide a comfortable barrier while not retaining unwanted heat. When it’s cold, a flat sheet is the perfect layering fabric. Combined with a quality blanket, few pairings offer more comfort. 

Satin Band Flat Sheets

For the same comfort of Wilken’s flat sheets with a splash of luxury, our satin band flat sheets are sure to impress. Sometimes all it takes is a little smoothness to relax a patient, and that’s what they’ll get with Wilken’s satin band flat sheets.

Fitted Sheets

Few patients give any consideration to the fitted sheet separating them from the mattress until it doesn’t work. Be it poor fitting, design, or elasticity, when the fitted sheet doesn’t keep cover of the mattress, it makes for miserable sleeping. 

Fitted sheets by Wilkins are made with a medical purpose in mind. They won’t ride up, stretch out, or break down under our care. 

Stretcher Sheets

Sheets that are fitted to stretchers are some of the most important in your medical facility’s arsenal. They need to be tough and hold strongly to the stretcher cushioning as to not cause any issue during emergency treatment. 

Draw Sheets

Draw sheets are an invaluable tool to have. A quality draw sheet won’t bunch up underneath the patient and will have reliable strength when moving them. Only quality draw sheets can ensure that kind of performance.


Quality pillowcases are easy to overlook. It’s only when a head is resting on it does its quality really matter. Pillowcases that aren’t breathable or are too think are very uncomfortable and could disrupt restful sleep. Wilkins pillowcases are made with the patient’s comfort first in mind. 

Satin Band Pillowcases

Satin band pillowcases offer the same quality as regular pillowcase with a soft line of satin for a luxurious twist. 


Anybody who has slept with a low-quality blanket can attest to how difficult it is to sleep well under one. That isn’t an experience patients should have to endure. When you get your medical facility’s blankets through Wilkins, quality and comfort are assured. 

Bath Blankets

When bathing patients who can’t bathe themselves, few tools are as useful as a bath blanket. Keeping patients warm and dry during a sponge bath is vital to keeping them comfortable and at an advisable temperature. 

Warming Blankets

When temperatures drop, there’s no reason for the patient’s temperature to drop as well. Warming blankets are a necessity for patients who have trouble maintaining their own body temperature. 

Thermal Blankets 

For more long-duration body temperature regulation, Wilkins has thermal blankets designed for comfort and insulation. 

Wilkins Linen: Your Medical Facility’s One-Stop Bed Linen Provider

If your current provider doesn’t offer the supply and quality offered by Wilkins, you and your patients are missing out. Not only do we provide the best materials for your medical practice, but we also provide the care needed to maintain them. To start your quality, patient-satisfying service today, give us a call at 1(866) 945-5467, visit our website, or request a quote for service.

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