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You strive to provide nothing but the best care to all your patients. You search for the best health care professionals and staff to represent your organization. Your facilities are equipped with state of the art equipment and you give your staff the best training. Have you considered how much your choice in linens affects your overall patient satisfaction?

The Truth About Linens and Health Care

You use your medical linens with such frequency you may actually not think about them much. They’re just a routine part of each day. However, their potential to affect your patient satisfaction is tremendous. Consider the following 3 ways quality linens could improve your overall patient satisfaction:

1) The psychology of care.

When a patient checks in to your facility, he or she is there because something in their physical life isn’t going well. Their schedule is being disrupted and they are likely worried about the outcome of your care. It’s vital to surround them with things that communicate care, warmth, support, and comfort. Your choice in linens is an important part of this.

2) Patient gowns.

For the duration of their time with you, your patients’ gowns are their only wardrobe. Have you ever worn one of your patient gowns? Gowns that are scratchy, itchy,  or too thin cause discomfort and can actually increase patient anxiety and worry. They wear these gowns all day every day. It’s an opportunity to instead make them feel warm, comfortable, and cared for. Don’t pass it up!

3) Bed linens.

Your blankets, sheets, and pillowcases are another thing they’ll experience a lot during their stay. You not only have an opportunity to make them feel comfortable, safe, and warm, but you also have the ability to affect their sleep. Better sleep is essential to faster healing.

Providing the Best Patient Care

It takes a lot of time and resources to take care of your patients each day. You may not have the time to keep up with all your linen needs. Consider outsourcing your linen services to a company that specializes in health care services. You can be certain you’re providing the best quality linens and meeting all the OSHA and other health care regulatory requirements. Without having that on your plate, you can focus on providing the best care possible to all your patients.

Wilkins Linen: The Best in Patient Satisfaction

The quality of your patient linens plays a huge role in their overall satisfaction while in your care. It is their wardrobe and it affects how well they sleep at night. Give them the best chance for quick and complete recovery by complimenting your excellent care with high-quality gowns and bed linens. When it comes to linens and health care, remember your patient satisfaction is on the line.

Wilkins Linen is your Houston area resource for quality health care linens and other products. Contact Us for more information on how to improve your patient satisfaction with linen services.

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