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What makes a customer return to a restaurant more than once? Good food, the right atmosphere and excellent service all play a part, but to leave a truly lasting impression you can’t forget the details. Color, branding and logo recognition are crucial in the restaurant industry. Incorporate these elements throughout your establishment. Share on X

Why Personalize Your Restaurant?

There are so many demands put on restaurant owners and staff, that it can be overwhelming to think about personalization. Wilkens Linen has worked with countless hospitality and restaurant managers to implement the right linen and product management strategy.

Color Scheme

Your restaurant already has a theme and brand colors, but do you use them throughout the dining area? Table linens should coordinate with the color scheme of your menus, furniture, paint, and logo.

Logo Products

Adding your company name or logo on linens, mats and promotional materials adds a degree of legitimacy and personalization to any business. Textile products are a great way to emphasize your brand without overt marketing.

Establish Permanence

Another reason to personalize your restaurant is to establish permanence. Sticking with white walls, generic colors, and cheap linens make your restaurant lack character and appear temporary. Invest in linens, textiles and hospitality products to set your eatery apart.

Personalize For the Customer

Personalizing and humanizing a restaurant can make a stark building feel cozy and intimate, but personalization extends to the customers as well. How does the hostess greet regulars? Is there an effort to cater to them, such as sending the manager over to say hello or offer a sample of a new wine? These efforts are just as important as aesthetic personalization and decor.

Contact Us for more information about choosing the right linens and products to set your restaurant apart.

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