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linen rentalAre you facing a dilemma when it comes to managing your company’s linens?  Regardless of the industry, one common thing confronts those who operate facilities using tons of linens on a daily basis–whether to go with a linen rental service or to just buy them.

Rent or Buy?

If you’re still trying to decide whether linen rental is a more practical choice for your business, consider these advantages or renting vs buying your linens.


Buying your own fine lines means that you will have to replace them anytime they get torn or worn out. The costs can really add up, especially for facility operators and restaurant owners.

When using a linen management company like Wilkins Linen, your linens are laundered and re-used so you don’t have to keep buying new products. That could add up to thousands in savings each year!

A Green Alternative

Most linens are simply thrown out and more material must be produced to replace them–that’s wasteful. Rented linens are re-washed, reused, and refurbished providing a much more efficient and environmentally responsible alternative to buying linens.

Peace of Mind

What do you do when your linens are ripped, stained, or lost? Using a linen management company allows you to have peace of mind knowing your products are being handled in a gentle and caring way.

Do you really want to trust just any old dry cleaner with your fine business lines? Of course, you don’t. Most aren’t even equipped to handle or store your business linens. For business owners and managers, linen rentals make the most sense.

You can update and replace your linens for a minimal fee when they become worn or outdated. Some linen companies even replace your linens for free. You can customize them and laundering services are often included in the monthly maintenance fee.

Saving You More Than Money

On top of saving businesses money, linen rental is cleaner and ensures that your linens are well maintained so that your business makes a good impression. You never have to worry about embarrassing stains ruining your business presentation or late deliveries causing you problems. Hiring a professional, reliable linen management company saves businesses so much more than money.

If you want to know more about Wilkins Linen industrial services and linen management, trust our 60 years of knowledge and experience. Contact our friendly management staff today for more information.

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