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When you are running a business, one of the most important secrets to your success is knowing how to manage your finances effectively. Sometimes things that don’t initially appear to be big cost items, actually contribute quite a bit to business overhead–such as commercial laundry costs. If not managed properly, laundry costs can add up quickly. Here are five ways to lower your commercial laundry costs.

1. Track Usage

There are five primary, and widely accepted ways to keep commercial laundry costs down. But, how do you implement these practices? It goes without saying that you should keep track of your linens–who uses what, how often and how many. It helps in monitoring possible waste. What’s the best way to track and manage your linen usage?

What to Track:

  • Total pounds of clean laundry
  • Percentage of work requiring rewash or rejected
  • Percentage of product removed from service
  • Total replacement cost per pound of linen
  • How much linen available for usage at 100% occupancy or patronage


How to Track:

  • Outsource – One of the most efficient ways to manage your linen usage is to outsource a linen management services company.
  • Install an on-site SLEUTH (Specific Linen Electronic Usage Tracking and History) system. While efficient, these can be expensive. Most linen management companies us this or a similar system as well.
  • Develop internal computerized tracking system for your company.

2. Educate and Train Your Staff

Once you’ve figured out which system you will use to track your linen usage, it is important to get your staff on board by educating and training them. Your service or your system will only be as good as the training you provide your staff.

  • Awareness: Explain to your staff how linen usage reduction is a benefit for both them and the company. Share with them the new process; show them why there is a need and how they can participate. If you install or implement a linen management system, make sure to provide training sessions to your staff to familiarize them with the product and process.
  • Accountability: Meet with your staff to discuss linen management policy and develop an accountability plan that works for you and them.
  • Action and Procedure Manual: Have a manual available to staff that clearly outlines the linen management process, procedure and actions staff can take to improve usage statistics.

3. Reduce WasteRecycle Symbol

Reducing waste is the number one and the simplest way to reduce costs. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  • Eliminate daily linen change requirements.
  • Refrain from providing unnecessary linens until requested specifically by customer/client.
  • Promote the use of “linen reject bag” to reduce waste.
  • Assertively promote a green linen philosophy with staff and clients/customers.

4. Post Results

You will want your staff and customers to be a part of your commercial laundry cost savings team.  Getting them on board is the first step. Keeping them on the team can prove more difficult to do.  Posting your results so your team members can see the success is one of the best ways to keep everyone involved and committed.

  • Post updates on staff bulletin boards.
  • Include progress information in company newsletters.
  • Use the press. Let your community know what you are doing to reduce costs and save the environment.
  • Post information on cards, flyers, posters, etc. where they will be visible to your customers and staff.

5. Select a Linen Service Carefully

Your linen management services company can be your best partner for achieving the reduction in commercial laundry costs that you want. Wilkins Linen is a family owned, premium linen company serving the Greater Houston area.  We are ready to help you implement your commercial laundry cost reduction plan.  Contact us today for reliable quality linen products and services at a reasonable price.

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