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Running a successful restaurant is hard, hard work! Meeting client expectations, again and again, day after day, meal after meal is no easy task. Customers look for consistency, cleanliness, excellent food and service, and a pleasing aesthetic and ambiance. Managing your restaurant linens is an essential component to your overall long-term success.

Your Essential Guide to Managing Your Restaurant Linens

So much goes into keeping a restaurant going successfully that it’s easy to overlook your linens. So many other things seem to be more pressing in any given moment. The reality is, however, that your linens communicate a lot to your customers about the experience they will have at your establishment. Consider the following:

Busy, busy, busy.

Your to-do list only seems to grow as each day progresses. You mark one thing off and three more replace it. It’s so easy to push aside matters such as your linen management when there are always other matters that scream so much louder.

Running a restaurant is hard work.

About those other matters that scream so much louder, it takes a lot to run a restaurant! Making sure you’re adequately staffed for all your peak periods, managing your ingredients inventory, and keeping your restaurant clean at all times are just a few items on the list. It is a daily and weekly balancing act, attempting to maximize your staff, inventory, and other elements. At the end of most days, you simply don’t have the time to worry about your linens.

Your customers eat with their eyes.

At the same time, your customers eat with their eyes. Everything they see, including your linens, communicate to them what kind of dining experience they’re going to have. If your linens are stained or dirty, poor quality, or you simply don’t have enough and you run out of napkins during the evening rush, your customers will notice.

Poor quality or dirty or missing linens affect your customers psychologically. They may perceive a lower quality in the food you serve whether it’s true or not. On the other hand, always having high-quality linens that are freshly cleaned available for your customers the moment they walk in your door sets their expectations for a great dining experience with you. A successful restaurant manages customer expectations and delivers high quality every time.

Linen maintenance is never-ending.

It takes a lot to run a restaurant and it takes a lot just to manage your daily and weekly linens. They must be washed and folded. Worn linens must be replaced. Lost or missing linens must also be replaced. A watchful eye must be kept to ensure you always have the linens you need in the hour you need them. It truly is no small task.

Consider professional linen services.

All of this may sound like a lot of time and energy and, frankly, it is. It requires constant attention and never-ending laundry. While you have other more direct revenue-producing activities to attend to, the price of neglecting your linens is one you really don’t want to have to pay. Allow yourself to focus your time more on revenue-producing activities by hiring a linen service provider who will take care of it all for you.

Wilkins Linen Knows Restaurant Linens

Managing your restaurant linens takes more time and energy than you may have to spend, but it’s essential to your long-term success. Wilkins Linen knows the linen demands of running a restaurant, having served Houston area restaurants for over 60 years. We take pride in providing you with high-quality restaurant linens with a customized personal touch. Experience the Wilkins difference in your restaurant today.

To learn more about how our linen services could enhance your restaurant or for an assessment of your linen needs, Contact Us.  

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