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2016 has come and gone in the blink of an eye. As the year wraps up, we pause to reflect and review the year behind us as well as looking ahead for the wonderful things 2017 has in store. We consider our achievements and look for opportunities for growth and change.

With that in mind, here’s a look at 2016 with Wilkins Linen:

Wilkins Linen Supports Local Community

In May, members of the Conroe High School FFA group had their end-year banquet that couldn’t have been accomplished without the support of local businesses like Wilkins Linen. Through the donation of tablecloths to the FFA group, students were able to have a fun and celebratory evening.Happy New Year From Wilkins Linen!

Read the full story:  Wilkins Linen Gives To Local High School

We Helped Businesses Lower Linen Expenses

When you’re running a business, one of the most important secrets to your success is knowing how to manage your finances effectively. Sometimes things that don’t initially appear to be big cost items, actually contribute quite a bit to business overhead–such as commercial laundry costs. If not managed properly, linen and laundry costs can add up quickly.

Read the full story:  5 Ways To Lower Commercial Laundry Costs

Workplace Safety Remains A Priority

If a customer or employee were to fall on your property, you could be held liable, depending on the incident. You may even be in violation of new OSHA and NFSI standards for floor mat safety. It’s one of the most preventable business risks as long as you follow some best practices.

Read the full story: Ensuring Floor Mat Safety In Your Business

Wishing You A Happy 2017!

We are honored to have had the opportunity to help our clients this past year by providing unmatched service and over 60 years of industry experience with cleaning and managing local businesses’ laundry. We thank everyone for your continued partnership and trust. Our team at Wilkins Linen is excited for all the New Year has to offer, and we know next year will provide new opportunities and growth. Here’s to a prosperous and successful 2017–Happy New Year!


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