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2018 has zoomed along to the end in the bat of an eye. This is the time of the year we stop and reflect, remember the year behind us and look ahead with much excitement for the year to come. We consider what went well and look for opportunities for growth. 2018 was a wonderful year for Wilkins Linen. Now that it has come to an end, here's our year in review. Share on X

How to Get Rid of Dust Mites

Dust mites are a source of common household allergies. They are nasty little devils that feed on dead human skin cells. They thrive in dark and warm climates. It’s no wonder that dust mites love fiber surfaces. Couch cushions, rugs, and carpets give dust mites a perfect home. It’s not easy to clean fiber surfaces, so, over time even more dust mite allergens collect.

Get Rid of Dust Mites in Your Home

Hotel Tips and Tricks: Avoiding Linen Loss

Even if you have the most attentive hotel staff, linens will inevitably get damaged or disappear. Unfortunately, hotels lose on average between 5 to 20 percent of their towels alone each month! That’s not including robes. So what can you do to avoid this inevitable issue? Taking the necessary steps can help you minimize linen loss and help your linens stay where they belong.

Tips to Avoid Linen Loss

When to Outsource and When to Do it Yourself

Time is a valuable asset for business owners. Every second spent on support tasks is a distraction from the progress you could be making in your company. The advantages of outsourcing highly outweigh the disadvantages. Outsourcing can help you avoid expensive errors and give you more time to focus. Vendors can give you a peace of mind so that you can spend your time on growing your business.

Know When to Outsource

Thank You for a Great 2018!

We’re wishing you a Happy New Year! We couldn’t ask for a better linen and dust control team. We’re incredibly thankful for our amazing and loyal customer base. We hope that you have a joyous New Year’s Eve surrounded with loved ones. Here’s to a successful 2019!

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